Merchant accounts refer to a special arrangement of a business concern with a commercial bank or card issuer. As per this arrangement the business concern is permitted to accept credit card payments and deposit those payments after deducting the charges to its bank account. Merchant account activities are also widely known as payment processing. The term credit card processing is also used for describing merchant account usage. The business concerns can accept credit cards, debit cards, gift cards and other types of electronic payment using a merchant account.
Securing merchant account
The merchants or business concerns need to apply for a merchant account. This account, however, may or may not be set up for them upon consideration of several factors prime among which is the risk factor. The merchants whose businesses involve poor or no credit will find it difficult securing a merchant account.
There are also the internet merchant account ventures. The account (in a merchant account) with a financial institution or bank which enables acceptance of credit card payment from clients via the internet are, however, not provided by most local banks. In internet merchant account it is the payment gateway which actually transmits the billing information to the internet merchant account provider. This is an e-commerce service authorizing payments for e-businesses and online retailers. The transactions conducted over the internet are far different from the face to face transactions where a signature is required to authorize the purchase. Thus, online transactions are prone to credit card fraud. This is why most local financial institutions or banks do not want to provide online merchant accounts.
If you are choosing an internet merchant account provider then fraud protection should be importantly considered. Besides, the website of the merchant/ business concern will need to integrate with the merchant accounts service providers following the detailed instructions given by the service providers.
Charges on merchant accounts
The merchant account services, however, do not come for free. Fees are charged whenever a merchant processes a credit card for payment. Though the fees/charges vary among providers they are based on something called Interchange which are the base rates dictated by Visa and MasterCard. All merchant account service providers mark up their rates from these base rates.
The merchant accounts services are immensely helpful. These will enable automatic handling of debit and credit card transactions. The orders placed at the merchants' business websites will already have been authorized or billed prior to reaching the merchant.